VueJS Example for IBM App ID
I was recently working on a project in VueJS that needed an authorisation layer added to it. It turns out there aren't any existing examples of how to do this anywhere, unusually not even on Stack Overflow. So I set about writing one and thought I would share it. My work was based upon some other useful examples and information, particularly a blog post from the IBM Cloud blog.
Before I go any further, the code samples are available and documented on GitHub as follows:
The code is deliberately split into two such that:
The VueJS Client code can be simple to get up and running as well but it's probably more important to understand how it was created such that you can apply the same principles in your own application(s). For this then, the explanation is a little longer...
Start by running the VueJS command line client (cli) to create a bare project and for the sample to make sense you will need to add VueX and Router components using the tool:
1. A store for state.
It doesn't really matter how you achieve this in VueJS, you can use any form of local state storage. The example code I have come up with uses VueX and a modification to the store.js code you get from the client above. The idea of this is such that the client application can cache whether the user has already authenticated themselves. If they have not then the client must request authentication via the server. If they have, then all the credentials required for making an authenticated call to a server-side API are already available in the browser. Essentially, this is a speed-up mechanism that stops the client from requesting client credentials on each API call since the session store for the authentication actually lives on the server side when using App ID.
2. A new VueJS Component
This is the component whose route is to be protected via authentication. In the case of the example code below the standard vue cli "About" component has been used and modified slightly to include an authenticated call to the server API. The thing to note here is that the credentials from the client side must be sent over to the server with each API call. Using the fetch API as per the below to implement your GET request means you have to add the credentials: 'include' parameter.
3. A VueJS Navigation Guard
You need to write a function that will be added as a VueJS middleware upon each route change. The middleware is inserted automatically by the VueJS route code when using the beforeEnter call on a route. This is known in VueJS as a Navigation Guard.
The requireAuth function does the following in plain English:
Each route you want to protect with the above function must have a beforeEnter: requireAuth parameter specified on the route. When this is done, VueJS will call the requireAuth function before the component specified by the route is loaded.
Note: there are methods by which you don't have do call window.location.href to redirect the user to the login page (which does seem like a bit of a nasty hack. However, these methods require the modification of the webpack configuration and so were kept out of scope of this example for the purposes of being simple.
Before I go any further, the code samples are available and documented on GitHub as follows:
- IBM App ID API Server
- App ID VueJS Client
The code is deliberately split into two such that:
- the API Server is used to demonstrate how to secure an API on the server side. This is done with the WebAppStrategy of App ID which is simply an implementation of a strategy package for passportjs. The code here isn't anything particularly new over existing examples you can find on the web but it's necessary in order to fully demonstrate the capabilities of the client code.
- the VueJS Client is used to demonstrate two things:
- how to secure a VueJS route for which I can currently find no example implementations on the web
- how to call an API that has been secured by App ID by passing credentials through from the client application to the API server
The VueJS Client code can be simple to get up and running as well but it's probably more important to understand how it was created such that you can apply the same principles in your own application(s). For this then, the explanation is a little longer...
Start by running the VueJS command line client (cli) to create a bare project and for the sample to make sense you will need to add VueX and Router components using the tool:
vue create vue-clientThen understand the 3 modifications you need to make in order to have a working set of authenticated routes.
1. A store for state.
It doesn't really matter how you achieve this in VueJS, you can use any form of local state storage. The example code I have come up with uses VueX and a modification to the store.js code you get from the client above. The idea of this is such that the client application can cache whether the user has already authenticated themselves. If they have not then the client must request authentication via the server. If they have, then all the credentials required for making an authenticated call to a server-side API are already available in the browser. Essentially, this is a speed-up mechanism that stops the client from requesting client credentials on each API call since the session store for the authentication actually lives on the server side when using App ID.
2. A new VueJS Component
This is the component whose route is to be protected via authentication. In the case of the example code below the standard vue cli "About" component has been used and modified slightly to include an authenticated call to the server API. The thing to note here is that the credentials from the client side must be sent over to the server with each API call. Using the fetch API as per the below to implement your GET request means you have to add the credentials: 'include' parameter.
<template> <div class="about"> <h1>This is a protected page</h1> <h2>hello: {{ hello }}</h2> </div> </template> <script> export default { data: function () { return { hello: undefined } }, computed: { user () { return this.$store.state.user } }, methods: { getProtectedAPI () { fetch('http://localhost:3000/protected/get-some-info',{ credentials: 'include', }).then(res => res.text()) .then(body => { console.dir(body) this.hello = JSON.parse(body).hello }) }, }, created() { this.getProtectedAPI() } }</script>
3. A VueJS Navigation Guard
You need to write a function that will be added as a VueJS middleware upon each route change. The middleware is inserted automatically by the VueJS route code when using the beforeEnter call on a route. This is known in VueJS as a Navigation Guard.
function requireAuth(to, from, next) { // Testing authentication state of the user if (!store.state.user.logged) { // Not sure if user is logged in yet, testing their login const isLoggedUrl = "http://localhost:3000/auth/logged" fetch(isLoggedUrl, {credentials: 'include'}).then(res => res.json()).then(isLogged => { if (isLogged.logged) { // User is already logged in, storing store.commit("setUser", isLogged) next() } else { // User is not logged in, redirecting to App ID window.location.href=`http://localhost:3000/auth/login?redirect=${to.fullPath}` } }).catch(e => { // TODO: do something sensible here so the user sees their login has failed console.log("Testing user login failed - D'oh!") }) } else { // User already logged in next() } }
The requireAuth function does the following in plain English:
- Using the VueJS client side cache, test if the user is already logged in
- If they are not. then ask the server if the user is already logged in
- If they are not, then redirect them to the server login page
- If they are, then cache the information and load the next piece of middleware
- If they are, then simply load the next piece of middleware
Each route you want to protect with the above function must have a beforeEnter: requireAuth parameter specified on the route. When this is done, VueJS will call the requireAuth function before the component specified by the route is loaded.
{ path: '/protected', name: 'protected', beforeEnter: requireAuth, component: Protected }
Note: there are methods by which you don't have do call window.location.href to redirect the user to the login page (which does seem like a bit of a nasty hack. However, these methods require the modification of the webpack configuration and so were kept out of scope of this example for the purposes of being simple.
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